Yoga Props for Home Practice

Yoga Blocks

I think these are the most vital prop you can add to your home practice, outside of a yoga mat.  Whether you are inflexible, hypermobile, tall, short – blocks make yoga much more accessible.  The cork ones are fun but can be a little too firm for what I like to use blocks for so I recommend the foam ones like these ones from Gaiam.   These are what I use in my personal practice.

Click the amazon link below to buy your own yoga blocks!

Yoga Mat

Everyone has a different type of mat they like.  I like to have a versatile mat that can be used on many surfaces (hard floors or carpet) so I usually choose a denser material.  I have a manduka knock-off I picked up from a TJ Maxx a while back.  Not sure of the brand so I’ve included the Manduka one it imitates below.

Click the amazon link below to buy your own yoga mat!

Yoga Sandbags

Missing those in person adjustments at the studio?  Try adding Sandbags to your practice.  The steady weight can be a great way to simulate adjustments in things like child pose and can bring a cool effect to your savasana. 

Click the amazon link below to buy your own sandbags!


Blankets are one of my favorite yoga props! Great prop if you have bad knees (or just want to keep from having them in the future), low back pain or want to have a more restorative practice.  Here I have a link for mexican blankets which are the most common in yoga studios but any sturdy blanket will do.  Stay away from slippery fabrics, like silk.

Click the amazon link below to buy your own yoga blankets!

Yoga Bench

If you’re new to inversions or looking to take your practice further, I highly recommend a yoga bench!  They make inversions so much more accessible by taking out a lot of the arm/shoulder strength required, allowing you to get comfortable playing upside down. FeetUp is a great product but don’t love the company and $150.  Residential Life offers a great option for about half the price.

Click the amazon link below to buy your own yoga bench!

Yoga Wheel

Yoga wheels are a game changer for backbends!  The support they provide can help you get into deeper heart openers safely.  I recommend the 12″ size for opening the midback.  You can also use this prop in a variety of other ways such a foot support in inversions.  I recommend getting one with a soft coating such a corklike material.  You’re going to spend around $35 for a quality yoga wheel.

Click the amazon link below to buy your own yoga wheel!

Yoga Strap

Lack flexibility or looking to take some of your backbends and forward folds   further?  Yoga straps are one of the most inexpensive things you can add to your at home yoga studio, usually averaging around $5-6 bucks.  These also make great makeshift matholders!

Click the amazon link below to buy your own yoga strap!

Massage Balls

I love combining massage into my yoga practice. For a firmer massage I recommend grabbing lacrosse balls.  For medium, tennis.  For soft, black racquet.  The body shows up different everyday and I work many different areas of the body so I like to have 1-2 of each!

Click the amazon link below to buy your own massage balls!